Please use this form to register for the Joint Meeting of the Council and Capital Metro Board regarding Project Connect. Please note - while you may register a position (in favor, against or neutral) the deadline to sign up to speak closed at 12 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020.


Please complete this form to register for the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Capital Metro Board of Directors regarding Project Connect, to be hosted on August 7, 2020 at 12 p.m.

Please do not use this form to register to speak for any other meeting. 

Note: you may still register a position (in favor, against or neutral) but the deadline to sign up to speak closed at 12 noon on Thursday, August 6, 2020.

To see the full agenda, please visit the Capital Metro Board Meeting website or the City Council Meeting Information Center.


  • This form must be submitted by 12 p.m. on Thursday, 6, 2020 in order to participate in the meeting.
  • You must provide contact information so that we can provide you instructions on how to access the meeting. Should you indicate you prefer email communication, instructions will be sent by email but a phone number is still required.
  • You may register as "wishing to speak" or "not wishing to speak" and may take a position of in favor, against or neutral.
  • We will contact you with instructions on how to call into the meeting at least two hours prior to the start of the meeting. In order to maintain social distancing, speakers will only be permitted by phone.
Note: if you provide an email, instructions on how to participate will be sent by email rather than phone.
Do you wish to speak during the meeting?*
Attention: the deadline to register to speak during the meeting was 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, 2020. You may still register in favor, against or neutral, but you will not be able to speak during the meeting. Thank you.
How do you wish to register?*
For which item(s) are you registering?*
Are you an Austin resident?
Do you live within the Capital Metro service area?
The Capital Metro Service Area is comprised of the following participating jurisdictions: Austin, Jonestown, Lago Vista, Leander, Manor, Point Venture, San Leanna and portions of Travis County and Williamson County, including the Anderson Mill area

You're almost done! Click "Submit Form" below!

  • Handouts or other information may be emailed to by 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 6, 2020. This information will be provided to the Mayor, City Council and Capital Metro Board Members in advance of the meeting.
  • If you need Spanish Translation Services, you must complete this form by the deadline above and email at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
  • Si necesita servicios de traducción al español, debe enviar un correo electrónico a al menos 24 horas antes de la reunión.